Education Give
Life to Creativity!


Spreading values by ensuring skills and ideas taught in the classroom are authentically valuable in the world beyond school education.


Inspiring students to perform potential and personal dreams through developmentally right activities & individually paced.


Presenting a multicultural and social environment in which students can successfully learn basic skills and core academic content.

Why Choose Us

Well-known school with the best learning facilities and a vision for creative education.

The Benifits

Good and comfortable learning environment. The loving and caring staff.

We Offer You

We strive to provide the best education for each kid to evolve into the best individual.
Education- Every Child's Right!

An opportunity to create the best future for your children.

Facilities & Co-Curricular


Our campus is peaceful and pollution free. It is remarkably facilitative to the pupil's education and growing process to reach higher heights.


Well-maintained labs, integrated curriculum, classes conducted by experienced faculties, large playground area, and a lot more for growth.


We create impeccable individuals who are not just knowledgeable and visionary leaders but also intuitive, and empathic to others' needs.


School has safe bus services for Picking and Dropping your children to and from the school connecting various areas in Bangalore city.


Apart from teaching, we focus on every child's personality and well as extra-curricular growth. Enhancing children's skills is our goal.


Volleyball, Kho-Kho, Basket Ball, Skating Arena, Lawn Tennis, Indoor Sports, and many other outdoor games are well-supported.

Why SVS School?

Academic Excellence

We continuously innovate to integrate modern educational research and support our pedagogy, nourishing our learners with manifold and influence learning opportunities.

Strong Ethics & Values

It is our responsibility to seed in students a powerful basis of values, morals, and ethics, that are important to building impeccable character.

Vibrant Student Experience

Student enrichment, via a combination of action that exceeds academics to include Arts, Aesthetic, Music, Sport, and mental growth wellness.

Carrer Guidance & Enrichment

We qualify our students through an involved method of learning attention, creating exposure to a plethora of academic, and career prospects.

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